




What Does Your Makeup Say About You?

Women use makeup to express who they are, not to impress other people. But it’s difficult not to wonder about what other people make of your red lipstick or statement eyeliner. Want to know what your makeup says about you?

No makeup- No, we’re not talking about the no makeup look. Going bare faced is an indicator of a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Some say lazy, we say confident.

no makeup

Red lipstick- You are charismatic and upbeat. People naturally gravitate towards your charm. Classic, old Hollywood glamour is your thing, along with high heels and hordes of admirers.

red lipstick

Cat eye- Women who wear cat eyeliner tend to be perfectionists. They don’t mind putting in that extra bit of effort to make sure their eyeliner is even. For them, impact is all about the small details.

cat eye

Smoky eye- The smoky eye gives off a mysterious and powerful vibe. You have a cool, edgy personality and you’re not afraid to show it off!

smoky eye

Coloured eyeliner- For you makeup is a form of art. You’ve mastered those Pinterest makeup DIYs the rest of us struggle with and you’re everyone’s style consultant when it comes to what’s trending.

blue eyeliner

Pastel eye shadow- You’re youthful, feminine and carefree. You know what works for you and don’t need a bold statement to look good!

pastel eyeshadow

Of course women don’t stick to the same look everyday and change our makeup along with the occasion, mood and the latest trends. Which one of the above is you?



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