




Fungal Fury: Here’s How To Deal With Fungal Infections On The Skin

Fungal Infection on Skin

Here’s a fact—while thousands of fungi continue to thrive on Earth, only about 300 of them have the ability to affect humans. Ah—now that I read my words, I fail to find a semblance of comfort in those statistics. Amongst these hundreds of fungi, a couple can infect your skin. And while that sounds dangerous, don’t worry—such skin-related infections aren’t too serious, and they respond effectively to treatment. 


If you think you’re developing an infection of this nature on your skin, we’ve put together a guide on dealing with the same—from causes to treatment, here’s everything you need to know about skin-related fungal infections; how to cure fungal infection on skin; and the best home remedies for fungal infection. Read on. 


What Causes A Fungal Infection On The Skin?


What are the causes of a fungal infection? Really—what causes fungal infections? These infections are caused by varying reasons: ringworm, athlete’s foot, jock-itch, and yeast-related infections are the four types of infections that affect your skin, and they’re caused by different factors. But you can contract fungus, in general, from person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, or from contact with surfaces containing fungus (like someone’s clothing). See—athlete’s foot, jock-itch, and ringworm are caused by the same type of fungi—just that it grows on different parts of the body. This organism thrives in damp, humid conditions. While athlete’s foot affects your feet (damp, sweaty socks), a ringworm appears on the torso and limbs, and a jock-itch is seen on the thighs and groin. 


What Are The Symptoms Of A Fungal Infection?


The symptoms of an infection will depend on the type of infection: but keep in mind that there are a couple of signs and symptoms that remain the same across all of these conditions. This includes irritation, redness, scaliness, swelling, cracking, peeling, blistering, and itching. If you’re noticing these symptoms, you might want to consult a doctor to determine what is causing it. 


10 DIY Home Remedies For Fungal Infections


If you’ve searched “how to cure fungal infection on skin naturally at home”, “how to cure fungal infection on skin”, “home remedies for fungal infection on skin”, “home remedies for skin fungal infection”, or “home remedies for fungal infection in skin”, we feel you. And that’s why we’ve rounded up 10 of the most effective DIYs to heal these infections.

  1. Tea Tree Oil 




Tea Tree Oil boasts of antifungal and antibacterial properties that can treat your infection effectively. Just dilute it with a few drops of a carrier-oil like Coconut Oil or Olive Oil before dabbing the formula over the area thrice a day for a couple of minutes. Make sure you’re not pressing it against any other area of your skin as this can cause the infection to spread.


Use: MyGlamm Wipeout Germ Killing Body Lotion

  1. Honey




Yes—something as sweet as honey is potent enough to kill fungus courtesy of its antiseptic properties. Take a tablespoon of unpasteurised honey, and apply it to the region for about half an hour twice a day. 


Use: MyGlamm Wipeout Germ Killing —Rose & Honey Soap

  1. Neem




Neem (leaves) is considered one of the best remedies for treating these infections. This is because it’s packed with antifungal properties. Just boil a couple of leaves in a pan of water for two or three minutes, and crush them into a paste before applying it to the skin. 


Use: MyGlamm Wipeout Germ Killing Body Wash—Lavender & Neem

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar 




ACV is another highly-coveted fungus-scavenging ingredient—and this is because it’s acidic, and loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties. This means that it slows the growth of the fungus effectively. All you have to do is mix a little bit of water with ACV, dip a cotton-ball in the solution before dabbing it over your skin. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day. 


  1. Coconut Oil




Our go-to oil for hair-care is excellent at preying on fungus too. Just apply a few drops of the hair oil on your skin, and massage it in gently. Repeat this twice every day for best results. 


  1. Aloe Vera




While Aloe Vera is associated with skin-healing and inflammation-soothing, it boasts antiseptic characteristics that can kill fungus and bacteria, and inhibit the growth of yeast. Just apply some gel on the skin frequently for a couple of days, and you’ll see results. 


  1. Yoghurt 




Yoghurt contains a bacteria called lactobacillus that releases hydrogen peroxide. This kills the fungus. Just rub a little bit of cold yogurt on the affected area/s for 10-15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.


  1. Turmeric 




While most of us use turmeric, or haldi, to add a little colour to our food as well as a glow to our skin, it’s also brimming with healing properties that kill fungus. Just mix a little haldi with water until they’ve formed a paste, and apply the resulting mix to the skin. Make sure the consistency is thick so it doesn’t slide off. Wait until it dries before rinsing it off. 


  1. Garlic




Those who consume more garlic are at a lower risk of developing these infections. Garlic is a powerful antifungal herb, and it’s excellent at dealing with fungus. Just crush a few cloves, and mix them with olive oil to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your skin for about 2 hours, and you’re done. 


  1. Oregano Oil



Even oregano oil has antifungal properties that have proven to be effective in treating fungus. Just dilute it with a few drops of a carrier-oil or water before dabbing the formula over the area for a couple of minutes. If you have an infection in your toe-nail, prepare a foot-bath for yourself, and add the oil to it before soaking your feet in it. 


How Do You Prevent A Fungal Infection?


Here are some ways you can prevent an infection effectively:


  1. Don’t share your clothing, towel, soap, and other such products with others. 

  2. Always choose to wear breathable, loose-fitting clothing. Tight-fitting clothes or shoes might cause you to sweat; and dampness is where fungi thrive.

  3. Make sure you’re washing all of your clothes, and drying them thoroughly before wearing them again—specifically your socks and underwear. 

  4. Bathe at least once a day to maintain hygiene. Dry your body with a clean, dry towel before putting on any clothes. If you’re gymming, do shower after you’re done too. 

  5. After bathing, make sure you’re drying your feet, buttocks, groin, and underarms thoroughly—as these areas produce more sweat, and are susceptible to developing infections.

  6. Don’t walk around barefoot. Always wear slippers or sandals—especially if this is a place that’s shared by a lot of people. A gym locker-room is one example. Avoid shoes or sandals made of plastic as these don’t allow your skin to breathe.


  1. What is the fastest way to get rid of skin fungus?

You can try out the remedies we’ve listed above as well as over-the-counter antifungal creams or ointments. If the infection is bad, consult a doctor, and start with medication (cream, ointment or oral) prescribed by them to treat the skin safely. 

  1. What kills this infection on the skin naturally?

All the aforementioned remedies are natural—you can try treating the infection with them without the intervention of medicines. But ensure you’re doing this after having diagnosed the infection as fungal by a professional.

  1. What is the best natural antifungal?

All of the remedies listed above—from ACV to turmeric—are natural and DIY. Neem is said to be the best. You can try either of them to treat the infection. 

And that was it on the causes of fungal infection, and how to cure fungal infection on skin naturally.


Also Read


  1. Best Essential Oils For Killing Germs: While these oils have been used for their aromatic and medicinal properties, they excel at killing germs effectively and naturally. Read on to find out which oils we’re talking about. 

  2. Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Skin: From soothing inflammation to treating acne, what can Eucalyptus Oil not do? Here are all the benefits of the oil for the skin. Add it to your skincare-cart ASAP. 

  3. Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Skin: While Tea Tree Oil is sought after for how effective it is at fighting dandruff, there’s so much it does for the skin that must be acknowledged. Here’s what you need to know.

  4. How To Use Face Wash: Washing your face is not as simple as it sounds—here’s why.


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