




Face Steaming 101: The Benefits Of Steaming Face We Wish We’d Known Sooner

Benefits of Steaming Face

If you’ve ever gotten a spa or a facial before, then you know that the moment when your esthetician wraps the steaming hot towel on your face is arguably one of the best and most relaxing experiences one can experience. Face steaming feels like a warm hug that simultaneously refreshes your skin.

Whether done professionally or at home, face steaming can seriously benefit your skin and majorly up your glow game. However, it can cause adverse reactions when done incorrectly. So today, we’re listing down all the benefits of face steaming along with the complete guide to doing it like a pro.

All The Benefits of Steaming Face

Helps With Skin Hydration

Helps With Skin Hydration


There’s a difference between hydrating and moisturising your skin. When your skin is dry, it lacks oil and sebum, so moisturisers and skincare ingredients can help to replenish it. When your skin is dehydrated, however, that means it lacks water. All skin types can experience dehydration, and therefore can benefit from extra hydration. Do you know if steam is good for face or not? Well, the benefits of steaming face on your face include proving the skin with much-needed moisture to keep it plump and dewy.


Better Absorption Of Skincare Products

Better Absorption Of Skincare Products


One of the best benefits of taking steam on face is it makes the skin more permeable which helps with product absorption. Face steaming increases the penetration of active ingredients applied topically immediately after steaming. Active ingredients like vitamin C and retinol can penetrate better and become more effective.


Makes Your Skin Super Soft

Makes Your Skin Super Soft


In addition to making the skin more permeable and hydrated, the heat and water from face steaming help soften the skin, which can also make skin care extractions a bit less painful. Steaming primes the face for extraction, so blackheads are much easier to extract.


Loosens Trapped Sebum

Loosens Trapped Sebum


If you have acne-prone skin, face steaming can help unclog your pores. The steam helps to loosen up any bacteria, oils, or dirt trapped in the skin that can cause acne. And if you steam your face after cleansing, it offers a deeper cleanse and allows your acne-fighting skincare to penetrate deeper into the skin and target those breakouts.


Promotes Circulation

Promotes Circulation


After steaming face , it increases blood circulation, helps skin build elastin and collagen, giving it a plump, bouncy look. The heat from facial steaming helps increase this natural process. Not only does it help to increase the blood flow to promote a glowing complexion, it also helps cysts and pimples to heal from within, which is necessary for the removal process.

Feels Soothing

Feels Soothing


Face steamer also has that ritualistic self-care element. Face steaming takes your skin to the next level. It opens pores, loosens any dirt, and pulls out residue that has been sitting snug at the surface. Trust us, it actually works wonders.

How Often Should You Do a Steam Facial?

For starters, once per month is fine and depending on how your skin tolerates the steam, you can do it weekly. For weekly, once a week of face steaming is ideal for achieving the best and most effective results.

How To Steam Face at Home?

Bring water to boil, remove it from the heat, and customize your steam facial for your skin type by adding fresh or dried herbs to the boiling water. Some advice using parsley because it acts as a natural astringent, which has been used to treat bruises and wounds. If your skin is sensitive or dry, try a soothing ingredient like chamomile instead. Mint and licorice root are also great detoxofiers that work on all skin types. Alternatively, adding eucalyptus, lavender, or peppermint essential oils will also do the trick. Lean over the bowl, keeping your face about 12 inches from the water, and drape a towel over your head to create a tent. Sit like this and steam your face for about 5 to 10 minutes to clear out your pores.

Safety Tips for Steam Facials

The best safety tip for face steaming is to make sure that the steam isn’t too hot. To avoid burns, the perfect way is to limit your steaming time. Also, take care of your skin post-steam. Not only this, make sure to lightly pat your face dry to avoid irritating it with the towel.

What To Do After Steaming Your Face?

Now that the dirt and impurities have been loosened from your pores, wipe it all away with a toner. Make sure you apply your toner and moisturiser immediately after you turn off the steam to lock in the hydration.


Is steam good for the face?

Yes. Steam hydrates the skin by helping to increase oil production, naturally moisturising the neck. It helps your skin better absorb skin care products too. This means you can get more band for your buck from skin care products applied after a steam.

How often should I steam my face?

If your skin is drier or thinner, you can steam your face once a week. Usually oily skin is thicker and can tolerate more frequent steaming. Less sensitive skin types can usually steam two or three time a week.

How long should I steam my face?

In general, you can steam with a hot towel or bowl for up to 10 minutes at a time.

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Now that you know how to do face steaming at home, it’s time to turn on the glow!


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