




Blemishes On Face? A Guide On How To Clear Up Your Skin

blemishes on face

Having blemishes on your face is the most common thing and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Yet these very blemishes can be quite annoying. Pimples can be extremely painful and so can blackheads and whiteheads. Aside from being visible on the skin, the irritation and scarring you suffer is far more concerning. So naturally, you’d want to get rid of all blemishes on face as quickly as possible. But first you need to understand what kind of blemishes you have to properly decipher a way to treat them. Here’s everything you need to know.


What Are Blemishes On The Face

what is blemishes


Blemishes refer to acne. Acne is a skin condition that many people experience. Teenagers predominantly suffer from acne but it usually reduces as you age. That being said, adult acne also exists and it can be caused due to various different factors. Poor hygiene or lack of a skincare routine make you prone to blemishes.


Types Of Skin Blemishes

Types of skin blemishes


Since blemishes are basically acne, the types of acne blemishes is what you need to know of. Pimples, papules, nodules, pustules, blackheads, and whiteheads are all forms of acne blemishes. Each of these types of blemishes are painful to endure and they usually leave a mark or scar on the face.


Here’s a quick list of types of blemishes you can refer to get a better idea of your skin condition.


  • Pimples 

  • Papules 

  • Nodules 

  • Pustules 

  • Blackheads 

  • Whiteheads 

  • Ingrown hair

  • Cysts

  • Scars

  • Boils

  • Carbuncles


Cause Of Blemishes

Cause of blemishes


Since there are so many types of blemishes, there are also different types of causes of blemishes. You can get a blemish on the face simply by eating something wrong or because of hormonal changes among other things. Below is a list of the most common reasons why you may have blemishes.


  • Eating oily or heaty foods.

  • Lack of a skincare routine.

  • Not washing the face properly or regularly.

  • Not taking off makeup before bed.

  • Clogged pores.

  • Pollution.

  • Accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

  • Excess sebum production.

  • Hormonal changes, especially during the menstrual cycle.

  • Not drinking enough water.

  • Not eating enough of fibrous fruits.

  • Sun damage.

  • Allergic reaction to skin products or makeup products.

  • Reaction to certain medication.


How To Treat Blemishes On The Face

Blemishes treatment


The simplest way to treat blemishes on face is to follow a simple skincare routine suited for your skin type. If your blemishes are caused by anything other than poor hygiene or lack of a skincare routine, a dermat check up is important so as to understand the actual cause of your blemishes. But other than that, topical skincare will help calm the situation and reduce blemishes considerably. You will have to take additional measures to completely clear up blemishes if the blemishes caused are due to allergic reaction, medications, or any underlying diseases.


To treat blemishes topically at home, develop a simple and effective skincare routine and follow it religiously on a regular basis. Wash your face twice a day without fail with a gentle cleanser and then apply a clarifying face serum. Clarifying face serums are one of the best products to remove blemishes from your face. Look for serums that contain gentle ingredients like hyaluronic acid or niacinamide for best results. After a face serum, moisturise with a face cream. Repeat this same routine in the morning and at night.


MyGlamm Recommended Product For Blemishes


MyGlamm 3% Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Serum enriched with Kakadu Plum & Marine Algae

This is one of the best skincare products for blemishes on face because it is super hydrating and has antibacterial and wound healing properties. Hyaluronic acid can heal acne even whent he skin is broken. This serum will soothe the skin and keep it lightly hydrated so that your skin can recover quickly. It is also enriched with natural ingredients like Kakadu plum and marine algae to further clarify and nourish the skin.


Do blemishes go away by themselves?

Blemishes can go away by themselves provided you keep your skin clean with a face wash at the least. Although, there’s no saying how long it can take for a blemish to clear up. Yes, you absolutely should not be picking and popping these blemishes, but applying a topical treatment gel, serum or cream will help clear up and soothe your skin.


Does Aloe Vera Gel Remove Blemishes?

Aloe vera gel is one of the best natural ingredients to apply on blemishes because it is extremely soothing and hydrating. The gel can also be used as a spot corrector because not only will it help heal the blemish with it’s soothing action, it will also create a thin protective layer over the blemish to prevent bacteria from worsening the situation.


Does Coconut Oil Clear Blemishes?

Not really. Coconut oil can further congest the pores and therefore should not be used on blemishes. Stay away from any kind of natural oils to treat acne blemishes. Coconut oil can although help with fading dark spots but will not help with active acne like pimples or whiteheads.

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