




Difference Between Hair Rebonding And Hair Smoothening & What Is Best For Your Hair?

Difference Between Hair Rebonding And Hair Smoothening

Image courtesy - Unsplash


Frizzy hair can be a huge pain to manage –– especially if you’ve got a whole lot of split ends and baby hairs that keep popping out every time you style your hair. Everyone desires those smooth and silky locks, and sometimes no matter how many hair care products you use, you often find yourself with a mane that resembles that of a lion. Some are blessed with those dreamy locks, while others have to spend hours straightening and styling their hair to keep in place. Sometimes that can be a little difficult to do regularly. It isn’t just damaging to your hair, but also requires a whole lot of effort and time. Step in, smoothening and rebonding! But are these two the same? We bring the difference between rebonding and smoothening your hair so that you can decide what works best for your lovely mane.


What is Hair Rebonding?

What is Hair Rebonding?

Hair rebonding is a chemical process that works with the natural texture of your hair to make it appear and feel smooth and silky. The procedure works in such a way that it breaks the natural bonds of your hair thanks to the chemicals and shuffles them around to give it a makeover. Your hair is made of bonds that essentially define the texture and shape of your hair. The chemicals used in rebonding break those bonds down and rearrange them using heat. The result? Poker straight hair.


Straight & Sleek Hair

Straight & Sleek Hair


After rebonding you’ll find that your hair looks super straight. You can bid farewell to baby hairs, flyaways, and split ends. Say bye bye to bad hair days, even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed with rebonding.


Manageable Mane

Manageable Mane


Hair is definitely more manageable once you get it rebonded, especially if you fight frizz on a daily basis. It’ll also help you save time and energy, styling it every single time you wash your hair. 


What Is Hair Smoothening?

What Is Hair Smoothening

Image courtesy - Unsplash


Hair smoothening, also known as the Brazilian blowout, involves using amino acids that protect your hair and smoothen any frizz. It uses high-heat via a straightener to lock in the amino acids into your hair, resulting in softer and smoother locks. Smoothing treatments do not alter the natural structure of your hair. Therefore the hair shape remains pretty much the same, without any frizz or kinks. 

Naturally Shiny Locks

Naturally Shiny Locks


Your hair texture remains the same, but a lot better and healthier. Smoothening helps combat frizz and makes the hair shinier and more manageable. This means less breakage.


Less Chemicals, Less Damage

Less Chemicals, Less Damage


Smoothening doesn’t involve heavy chemicals and doesn’t alter the natural texture of your hair. The lesser the chemicals, the lesser the overall damage to your hair. The post-care for smoothing also doesn’t involve very chemically heavy hair products. 


Difference between hair rebonding and hair smoothening 

 While both procedures offer a similar outcome, the way in which either are done are a little different. Here are the main differences between the rebonding and smoothening.




Straightens Hair

Smooths frizz and makes hair more manageable


Permanent, till hair grows out

Temporary, lasts a few months


More damage 

Less damage 


Thick, curly, wiry hair

Wiry, rough, hard hair


Weak and fine hair

Weak and fine hair


Looks artificial if not done right

Looks more natural

Final Verdict: Hair Rebonding Vs Smoothening

So what’s the difference between smoothening and rebonding & which is better? Well, it’s entirely dependent on your hair type and what kind of results you are looking for. If you’ve got curly or wavy hair, and want to go for a more straight and sleek approach, then rebonding is for you. This semi-permanent treatment works well for those with volume –– if you have less hair and straighten it, it’ll look flat and limp, so for those with weak hair that’s fine, rebonding is not for you.

Hair smoothening involves less damage and is temporary –– however the results work around your natural hair texture. So while it softens and relaxes the frizz, it doesn’t do drastic changes to your hair texture. Plus it requires less hair care post the treatment. Which one is better for your hair is completely based on what your hair can handle and how you want your hair to look, at the end of either treatment. 


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Rebonding and straightening serve the same purpose, but they do it in different ways. If you’re confused about the difference between rebonding and straightening, and which one to get, it’s best to see what’ll work best for your hair type. Either way, you’re going to end up with happy, smooth hair that won’t require all the effort in the world to look really good.


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