




6 Work From Home Tips For The #21DaysOfQuarantine

6 Work From Home Tips During #21DaysOfQuarantine

With the outbreak still rampant, home quarantine is a must for everyone; That means a couple more weeks of work from home. While there are a few who are glad to be skipping the hectic travel and working in their own comfort zone, there are others who aren’t used to working outside the office space. If you fall in the second category, then we’ve got a few tips that will definitely help you be productive and get stuff done while working from home until #covid19 is no longer a threat and we can all venture outside again.

1. Don’t Break Your Schedule

It’s important to stick to the same schedule every day. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast and sort out your tasks for the day. Waking up and spending the whole day in your PJs might make you feel lethargic. Unless this outbreak is under control, there’s a high chance that home-quarantine will last a bit longer than expected, so be sure to follow a schedule every day in order to be more productive while working from home.

Link: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/125819383325579392/

2. Apply Makeup

Now you don’t have to go heavy on your makeup, but a bit of primer, blush and lip tint will make you feel like you’re heading to the office. In addition to boosting your mood, you also wouldn’t need to run around helter-skelter to make yourself look presentable if your boss suddenly asks you to join in on a video call with your colleagues. Do your makeup and dress nice enough that you feel professional and productive.

Link: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/159666749274689664/

3. Maintain Regular Hours

Just like when working at the office, be sure to maintain regular hours even while working from home during this self-isolation period due to the outbreak. In order to follow this, make sure to set a schedule with clear guidelines on what needs to be accomplished in a day and when you need to call in.

Link: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/446208275579937026/

4. Create Your Own Workspace

If you’re quarantined with other members in your house, be sure to create your own workspace and set ground rules with people. It’s important to not have any distractions during those work hours, so keep your kids, pets, at bay and create your own personal space that makes it easier to complete your work.

Link: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/662169951444266620/

5. Schedule Breaks

Working from home doesn’t mean working tirelessly for 9 hours straight. You need to incorporate your office breaks into your WFH routine as well. Give yourself an adequate amount of time to walk away from your screen and phone, whether it's during lunchtime or a coffee break.

Link: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/310889180529161572/

6. Don’t Hesitate To Multitask

The outbreak has left us all quarantined at home so use this time to take care of your skin. With our otherwise busy schedule, we forget about pampering our skin so now’s the best time to give it the TLC it needs. If you’re not on a video call every day (or even if you are) throw on a face mask and continue working. The GLOW sheet mask will give your skin an iridescent glow in 15 minutes. You can also keep a face mist next to you at all times to give yourself a quick refresh and pick-me-up.

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